
  • We will be marching in the parade and having a table during the festival. Be in touch with Amanda to sign up for the parade and/or table.

  • Join us in Upper Manito Park!

  • Details coming soon.


  • Click here to join us on Zoom

    All are welcome Sunday mornings. There is an Activity Room with two caregivers for those under 6 and Sunday school for children 6 to 12. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome at Christ’s table. Join us for coffee and snacks in the Social Hall after each service.

  • Children 6- 12 start out in the Sanctuary until after the Young Disciples time, then go with two teachers to Sunday School. On Communion Sundays, children begin in Sunday School, then join the adults for communion. In inclement weather, Sunday School may meet on Zoom. Click here to join.

  • Our Youth Group meets at various times for fun and informative outings and gatherings. Check with the church office to be put in touch with the Youth Group leaders. When meeting on Zoom, click here.

  • Click here to join on Zoom.

    Tuesday Night Talks meets only on Zoom. We gather to discuss important issues to our faith, such as racism, white supremacy, mental health and health care, biblical applications, etc. New session starts April 2.

  • At Rockwood Lane in the Family Room, . The Joanna Chapter does good works for the church, such as offering receptions after memorials. If you wish to join us, please let Linda Stephens know (509-893-1550).

  • Click here to join on Zoom. We normally meet in the Parlor. Please contact the Chairperson to join on Zoom.

    The Serving Our Neighbors Board organizes the congregation in outreach activities such as the collection of warm clothes for the homeless.

  • Click here to join on Zoom. We generally meet on Zoom and try to meet in person a few times a year. Please contact the Chairperson to join on Zoom.

    Our Education and Spiritual Growth Board plans programs for both children and adults.

  • Click here to join on Zoom. We normally meet in the Parlor. Please contact the Chairperson to join on Zoom.

    Our Westminster Community Action Team partners with the Spokane Alliance to work for change for the common good in our community.

  • Click here to join on Zoom. We normally meet in participant’s homes. Please contact the chairperson for more this month’s location or to join on Zoom.

    The Club reads a book each month and discusses it over a salad potluck.

  • Click here to join on Zoom. Please contact the Chairperson to join on Zoom.

    Our Music and Arts Board watches over the musical and aesthetic aspect of our church life.

  • Click here to join on Zoom.

    Our Trustees watch over all things financial and building-related.

  • Click here to join on Zoom. We normally meet in the Parlor. Please contact the Chairperson to join on Zoom.

    The Diaconate assists in several ways in ministering to the spiritual needs of the congregation.

  • Click here to join on Zoom. We meet in the Parlor. Please contact the Moderator to join on Zoom.

    Our Church Council is the governing entity of our congregation.